Jim Rogers started trading the stock market with $600 in 1968.In 1973 he formed the Quantum Fund with the legendary investor George Soros before retiring, a multi millionaire at the age of 37. Rogers and Soros helped steer the fund to a miraculous 4,200% return over the 10 year span of the fund while the S&P 500 returned just 47%.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Jim Rogers Bloomberg Interview - 07 December 2011

Jim Rogers : looks like Corzine will wind up his career in jail , we are all innocent until proven guilty in America says legendary investors Jim Rogers , a 1.2 billion disappear people had their money in segregated accounts this guy was doing things perhaps illegal but certainly immoral they were playing with the rules no matter what they did says Rogers segregated accounts must be sacrosanct says |Jim Rogers

Hard Landing only in some sectors of the Chinese Economy

Jim Rogers : well they are going to have some parts of the Chinese economy that are going to have a hard landing , The Chinese for two years now have been tightening up , they've raised interest rates 6 times , they raised reserve requirements a dozen times , just recently they started loosing up a little bit , they are trying , they are trying to bring down the real estate they are trying to make real estate developers going bankrupt , so you are going to have a hard landing to use your terms in things like property in China , but other parts of the Chinese economy are going to continue to boom , water treatment agriculture ...so you are going to have sectors of the Chinese economy in serious problems but it is not the whole Chinese economy , it is not like it was here

Jim Rogers on MF Global & Jon Corzine

Jim Rogers : I can't really say it because if I did i'll go to jail , no I mean it's totally outrageous what happened , segregated accounts - the first thing you learn when you go into the e commodities business is segregated accounts are sacrosanct. no matter what.you can find loopholes or whatever you want bto but that's the last thing you are supposed to touch , . I don't see how you can avoid jail now. What do I know know. you're innocence until proven guilty in America, but that's very bad for all of us. - in CNBC 06 Dec 2011
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Jim Rogers Outlook for Oil for 2012

Jim Rogers : well, first of all, the economy is adjusting more and more and more. when oil ten years ago if you had oil was 100, everybody would have passed out and gone home, but now we have adjusted, oil has been over 100 for three or four years, people are adjusting, but it's going to continue to go higher, it's going to have an effect, but remember, some people will suffer, but the people who produce oil will boom as the price of oil goes higher. the people who produce coal the people who produce uranium, a lot of people boom when oil prices go higher. - in CNBC 06 Dec 2011
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Jim Rogers outlook for Silver for 2012

Jim Rogers : no, I'm not buying anything right now, but if i had to buy one gold or silver today I would buy silver, because silver is more depressed that's all .But I hope gold and silver continue to rest and consolidate so I can buy more, a lot more. - in CNBC 06 Dec 2011
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Jim Rogers outlook for Gold for 2012

Jim Rogers :It might break $2000/oz in 29012 , but I doubt it , Maria Gold has been up 11 years in a row. that's very unusual for any asset class. it would not surprise me at all if gold continues to rest and consolidate for a while. it's been consolidating for over three months. I hope it continues to consolidate.I hope it goes down I want to buy more. - in CNBC 06 Dec 2011
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Plenty of Opportunities in the Forex Market

Jim Rogers : I'm short technology stocks in the u.s. I'm losing money -- I mean, not losing money today, but I'm short emerging markets. I'm short European stocks and long commodities ,because if the world economy gets better, I'm going to make a lot of money in commodities. I also own the Japanese yen, the Swiss franc,there are lots of currency opportunities out there. there are plenty of ways to protect yourself. Maria, when things don't get better, they're going to print a lot more money. when they print money, you have to own silver, you have to own rice. you have to own real things if you're going to survive. - in CNBC 06 Dec 2011
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China doing its best to slow things down

Jim Rogers : the Chinese are doing their best to slow things down. they have raised interest rates six times,they've raised reserve requirements a dozen times. they're trying to slow things down and that happens to affect everybody in Asia including in Singapore , everybody's going to have problems in the next couple years, because the china is trying to, and the west doesn't have any choice. - in CNBC 06 Dec 2011
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Dollar vs. The Euro

Jim Rogers : first of all, the dollar was beaten down a lot ,and as turmoil occur around the world, some people will flee to the dollar. now, the dollar's not a safe haven as far as I'm concerned, but I do own the dollar because people will go there , but Maria, I own some Euros, too now, because they were beaten down and they're going to make us feel better for a while f. so the Euro will rally, stock markets will rally, but be very careful - in CNBC 06 Dec 2011
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The problem in Europe getting worse

Jim Rogers : I'm not doing anything at the moment. I'm sitting and watching.Because what the Europeans will do is they'll have announced something, they are going to say everything is okay. they've already done this for about ten times in the last two years.they say Ah we have solved the problems , it's not solving the problem. no country has announced we're going to have less debt in a year or two or three they are all going to have higher debt the problem is getting worse - in CNBC 06 Dec 2011
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Jim Rogers "the 19th century was the century of the UK , the 20th century was the century of the US , the 21 st century is going to be the century of China "
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